94-Year-Old Female Aces Exam Hello Barbie in the most Barbie-like manner imaginable

People are adoring the multiple trends that this film has spawned in addition to experiencing Greta Gerwig’s Barbie in theaters. Nearly everyone who has seen the movie is attempting the “Hi Barbie” movement, which has amassed enormous popularity. A young, passionate grandmother joined the trend by jumping on board, and now internet users are adoring it.

The touching video was posted by Instagram user ‘Jinal Jain’, who first taught her 94-year-old grandma Jiya how to perform the ‘Hi Barbie’ craze before filming her doing it. Jiya certainly excelled in the role, leaving viewers eager for more. The description for the video read: “Hi Bhabhi >>> Hi Barbie. Welcome to Jiya Jinni’s sixth episode! That’s JIYA, my 94-year-old Daadi, to my new friends.

You’re obviously not done with the Barbie fad if you haven’t met this 94-year-old Barbie yet, the post continued as the user described the whole incident. Every second reel I see on Instagram is just so Barbie that I didn’t even feel like watching the movie, so I was debating whether or not we should start this trend. But as you all are aware, I detest having regrets. As a result, we are here joining the barbecue craze in our own unique style. Tell me which of Jiya’s looks you liked most. 1-2-3-4-5? I liked the appearance of the headphones. What do you believe?

The granddaughter was initially seen in the video showing her grandmother how to properly greet Barbie. The pattern started as soon as Jiya realized what was being said. Every time a new ‘Hi Barbie’ line was released, the grandmother would change into a new pink dress complete with a cute accessory.

People adored the video, and the comment section of the video was flooded with messages expressing their love and affection. Barbie is 64 years old since she was conceived in 1959. They may be great friends, a user speculated. Proof that style is timeless, another person said. “Bhabie> Barbie,” remarked the third. A fourth said, “Cutest barbeque ever.”

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