Chinese Woman Chews Anti-Theft Cord With Her Teeth Then Steals iPhone 14

The Apple iPhone has made a name for itself as one of the most recognizable flagship cellphones in the world. While some individuals purchase iPhones just for display, many rush to get the newest models as soon as they become available. Some people, however, go above and above to get an iPhone and become a part of the Apple ecosystem.

In a similar vein, South China Morning Post (SCMP) reports that authorities in China recently detained a lady who allegedly chewed through an anti-theft cable to steal an Apple iPhone 14 from a shop. According to security video, the lady, who goes by the last name Qiu, was seen chewing the wire that some establishments employ to secure a gadget in one place.

The image shows Qiu stopping in front of an iPhone display and putting it in her hand at a store in the Fujian region of China. After a time, she begins chewing the wire in an effort to take the phone off her ear. She ultimately succeeded and left with the iPhone 14 in her purse. She was arrested thirty minutes after leaving the business.

According to SCMP, the high-end smartphone (iPhone 14) costs around 7,000 yuan (nearly Rs 79,000) in China.

According to the shop manager, who goes by the last name Wang, an alarm was apparently activated during the heist. Every time someone passed by, the lady claimed to be browsing the phone in order to avoid being seen. Additionally, nothing was incorrect when shop employees passed the area where Qiu was standing.

Only after Qiu left the shop did staff detect the missing Apple iPhone and notify the police. It wasn’t until I saw the CCTV film that I understood how the lady was able to escape with the pricey item. Police were able to pursue Qiu down the street and detain her outside of her home.

Zhang Jinhong, a police officer, claims that Qiu attempted to cover up her conduct by behaving circumspectly and seeming to be a normal client when someone went by the shop and saw her using the phone. Store staff saw the chewed cord and missing phone shortly after Qiu departed and immediately called the police. Police were able to locate Qiu and place her under arrest when the security camera video instantly made it evident what had happened.

In addition, Qiu told the police that she meant to buy a new phone at the shop after losing hers, but when she saw the price she decided to steal one.


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