Everything You Need To Know About Australia’s Largest Bird, the Emu, From Wings To Speed

According to new ornithological findings, the emu is the second-largest bird in the world, just after the ostrich. The bird is limited to the ground and possesses wings, much like its flying relative. The emu’s remarkable ground speed compensates for its incapacity to fly. These birds can sprint at noteworthy speeds; in one stride, they can cover an amazing 9 feet. states that the emu bird, technically known as Dromaius novaehollandiae, has a body that is a mixture of brown, grey, and black in color. Although the species’ life expectancy is much shorter, averaging around 5 to 10 years, it may live for up to 20 years. The emu, being an omnivore, obtains its sustenance from a varied diet consisting of insects, fruits, and small animals. These details on the lifespan, color, and food preferences of emus provide a thorough picture of this bird species.

The emus, the largest bird in Australia, may grow to remarkable lengths of up to 6.2 feet. These birds have three toes on each foot, lengthy legs, and a tall neck. Their weight ranges from 30 to 55 kg. Originating from all across Australia, dingoes, eagles, and hawks are among the natural enemies that emus face. These attributes provide a succinct summary of the salient traits and difficulties emus encounter in their natural environment.

Incredible Qualities of the Emu Bird

Quick Runner

Emus are fast runners, with top speeds of 40 km/h (25 mph). Their sprinting strides are very lengthy, spanning nine feet in a single stride.

Feathers that set them different from other birds are their characteristic double-shafted feathers, which give their body flexibility. Despite these distinctive characteristics, emus cannot fly using their wings.

Strong Voice: The emu bird has a unique, loud voice that may be heard for up to one mile (1.6 kilometers) across long distances.

Double eyelids on each eye: The emu has a peculiar arrangement of eyelashes. One is for blinking, while the other shields against dust.

Kick: To repel aggressors, emus use their powerful feet to execute powerful kicks, which may be very dangerous.

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