“People Grieve About Battery”: This Funny “Adult” Issue With the “Now Playing” Widget on an iPhone

You may have often seen iPhone users expressing problems that many Apple fans may relate to. The list of issues is long and includes worries about things like battery life and the newest iPhone 15 color, Titanium, losing its color. But a recent event took an unexpected turn when an iPhone user asked a really strange question, one that got the whole Reddit community laughing. Rather than being a standard problem, it was more of a “Adult” issue, which made everyone on the platform grimace.

The event started when a user named Mister_Rogers69 posted a request for assistance in making this go away on the “iPhone” subreddit. He clarified in his post: “So, a few days ago, I viewed a certain kind of movie on my phone. Every now and again when my Bluetooth connects, this s*** appears on my Home Screen even though it is no longer open in any online browser or stored on my phone. Do you know why it’s acting that way?

He included a screenshot of the problem along with it. Sort of technical issue that you never would have imagined showing up in the Apple support threads.

The Reddit article went viral right away and generated a ton of funny responses. One person said, “Hahahaha, play this on Bluetooth.”Perhaps forcibly restart the iPhone, clear its cache, press and hold the volume up and down buttons, and wait for the Apple logo to display. “THIS HAS TO BE SATIRE,” said another, and “I can’t stop laughing,” said a third.

Amid the chuckles, a few kind people gave the user some sincere advise. Another said, “Assuming you played the video in safari, Open safari and play another video perhaps and see if it removes it.” Still another said, “Play some music or something on the music app.”

The user post subsequently said that the notice vanished after applying the most recent iOS 17 update, despite the fact that some people just advised resetting the device.(Well, that’s not the least!)

The post received over 4.2K upvotes after it was posted, giving everyone who understood the joke a lifetime of laughter!


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