Reddit is baffled by the “5th-grade crossword.” Can you complete this difficult brainteaser?

Crossword puzzles are hard brain teasers that are fascinating to complete because of their cryptic hints and interlocking phrases. Some of them are simple to decipher, while others need a little more mental effort. Do you like figuring out puzzles? I have a crossword for you that is “5th grade” rated but that many people have previously had trouble solving.

The caption for the problem says, “5th-grade crossword has us all baffled.” Four linked rows and columns of the puzzle include visual hints. Finding the right word to complete the unsolved crossword is difficult. Three of the four words in the puzzle have been identified, but the fourth has perplexed many.

Consider yourself capable of finishing this crossword problem.

A day ago, the post was shared. It’s been really popular since then. Nearly 32,000 upvotes have been given to the share so far, and the figure is steadily rising. Additionally, several comments have been posted as a result of the distribution.

What comments regarding this puzzle did Reddit users make?

“‘Rattan’ It is a kind of cane or stick used to discipline students in schools. Up until 1982, this was an acceptable method of discipline in Scottish schools, according to a Reddit user. Someone then said, “It is definitely this. It explicitly refers to that object, as shown by the dashed line. What year, 1975, is this workbook from? “Hey, I’m from 1975 and this looks more like 1935,” a second individual chimed on. People continued the joke in the thread started by this remark, and one of them even added, “Hey, I’m from 1805 and this looks more like 1785.”

Several others have inquiries regarding the problem. In the same way as this guy who inquired, “Can I ask why a dotted line especially symbolizes rattan? I am a symbologist and logo designer, and I cannot understand it. Another person said, “How the heck is a fifth-grader meant to know this? I’m 38 and I didn’t. I’ve never heard of this phrase before. Despite being solvable, it was overly challenging given how simple the others were. “This is tough,” said a third. “Loving the understated threat in this homework assignment,” a fourth person wrote.


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