Weight Gain by a Chinese Model for Her Boyfriend

The adage “love is blind” is frequently true, as individuals who are deeply in love may find themselves making choices and acting in ways that contradict common sense in an effort to make their spouse happy. As one former model from China’s Hunan region recently learned when her well-intentioned attempts to satisfy her partner took a catastrophic turn, this intense and perhaps illogical love may have repercussions that are harsh and unexpected. Her account, which was posted on the Chinese social networking site Weibo, serves as a lesson.

The lady had previously worked as a model, and in accordance with the demands of her modeling agency, she had to maintain a size-zero figure and a weight of around 50 kg. She initially met her boyfriend at this time in her life. When the subject of marriage came up, her lover delivered a shocking bombshell: he believed she was too skinny and said he would only contemplate marriage after she had put on some weight. Despite how swiftly their love had grown, he had never proposed to her.

She started a spectacular change, acquiring a startling 35 kg in only one month, all in an effort to win his heart. The result fell well short of her expectations. Her partner chose to quit the relationship since he wasn’t pleased by her improved beauty and wanted to enjoy being a single, commitment-free guy. The lady was devastated by this unexpected turn of events, but her misery continued.

Even worse, she was fired from the modeling agency because of her drastically changed look, which no longer met the high requirements of the business. She was now faced with both the financial consequences of losing her job and the emotional fallout of a broken relationship.

The lady then embarked on a weight-loss effort to lose the additional pounds she had accumulated while trying to win her spouse over. Reactions to her narrative have been conflicted on social media. Despite some sympathizing with her situation, others have questioned her claim that she gained 35 kg in only one month, pointing out the extremeness of such a weight increase.


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