Trials with peonies delight agricultural scientists

The peony flower, which is prized for its vivid blossoms, has been grown for centuries as an ornament in many regions of the world.

But until recent experiments at the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (IHBT)’s floriculture farm here, its commercial production in India had remained mostly unknown.

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The peony experiments at the CSIR-IHB in Palampur have commenced under the direction of a group of researchers. Farmers now have high expectations for growing this profitable crop since the experiments have shown encouraging results.

The Indian Himalayan region’s high-value crop has achieved extraordinary results due to a combination of careful research and development efforts, a favourable climate, and the region’s soil.

The principal investigator in charge of the peony studies, Dr. Bhavya Bhargava, shared his opinions with regard to the outcomes. “The early trials have exceeded our anticipations. He said, “Peonies have demonstrated robust growth and flowering, demonstrating excellent adaptability to the local environment.” The effective production of peonies in India has the potential to provide new revenue streams for farmers, given the increasing demand for peony blooms worldwide.

The institute’s director, Dr. Sudesh Kumar Yadav, said that the peony trials’ success at the CSIR-IHBT demonstrated the organization’s dedication to groundbreaking research and the significance of investigating new crops that complement India’s agricultural and economic objectives.

As the experiments continue and further data is gathered, scientists are still confident that peony farming can be scaled up. Peony fields flowering throughout the stunning Himalayan vistas may become a common sight in the next years, providing farmers and agricultural enthusiasts with new options and optimism.

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