The newest company to criticize Apple for not using RCS for iMessage is Samsung. Find Out More

As well-liked as Apple’s iMessage feature is, marketers and consumers on the other end of the chain—the ones with the green bubbles (Android)—are as critical of it. This complaint is due to the brand’s failure to implement the RCS messaging standard, which unnecessarily divides users of Android and iOS for text messaging.

Samsung has now joined companies like Google in criticizing Apple for the same problem. A humorous short film named “Green bubbles and blue bubbles want to be together” was uploaded by it. In the movie, two entities have a conversation about what green bubbles have ever done to blue bubbles and why Apple, the parents of the blue bubbles, wishes to keep them apart.

For those who don’t know, RCS is a communications standard developed by Google that aims to replace SMS without the need for carriers. However, Apple has been mum about putting the same into practice thus far.

Having said that, RCS would eliminate the exclusivity that Apple’s iMessage now has, which is exclusive to Apple devices. Therefore, it is uncertain when Apple will introduce RCS for iMessage.

It will be fascinating to watch whether the EU steps in, as it did when it ultimately forced Apple to embrace USB-C with the iPhone 15 series. According to reports, the EU is deciding whether or not iMessage is a substantial enough service to qualify for the same classification.


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