In Bangalore, Prakash Raj casts his ballot

One of the most well-known performers, Prakash Raj has acted in hundreds of Tamil and Telugu motion pictures. The actor is a human rights activist who often expresses his opinions and speaks out for the people.

Karnataka had its first voting today in anticipation of the second round of the Lok Sabha elections. Actor Prakash Raj cast his ballot and posted a video on social media.

The actor encouraged fans and followers to use their rights by posting on his official X Twitter. “I have voted for change,” he said. I cast my vote against bigotry. I think my representative will represent me in the parliament, hence I voted for them. Kindly cast your vote and effect the change. I adore you all.”

The actor added, “I voted,” along with a video on his X account. Kindly vote. #justasking #SaveDemocracySaveIndia.

The actor uploaded the video while addressing the crowd and asking them to cast their votes. The actor said after casting his ballot that it is a vote for his rights and that it provides him the ability to decide who will represent him and have a voice in parliament. Speaking to the media, the actor stressed how crucial it is to support a politician we can trust.

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