Having Problems Falling A Sleep? Put down the search engine and pick up the phone with your doctor!

If you have ever remained up all night tossing and turning, you know exactly how you will feel the following day: worn out, agitated, and confused. You get lethargic and miserable if you sleep for fewer hours each night than the recommended seven to nine hours. Individuals who have sleep deprivation due to insufficient sleep may discover that they sleep more on their days off from work or on days when they have no social commitments.

Lack of sleep may be caused by several employment, lifestyle, and environmental variables. Insufficient sleep may result from sleep problems as well as other chronic medical illnesses. A few of the negative effects of insufficient sleep or sleep disruptions include mood swings, impaired focus, and decreased response times, according to Dr. Sibasish Dey, Head of Medical Affairs, South Asia, ResMed.

Only 29% of Indians really sleep for 8–8.99 hours a night, despite 44% of respondents believing that this is a decent night’s sleep, according to the ResMed Sleep Survey 2024. This indicates that Indians struggle with getting enough sleep and don’t prioritize it. Though they are less aware of the need of proper sleep hygiene, people are becoming more aware of the general health benefits and advantages of obtaining seven to nine hours of sleep per night.

The poll also shows that 54% of participants had not even seen a doctor for information on sleep health, despite the fact that 49% of respondents are extremely inclined to do research when they experience signs of a restless night. This demonstrates the increasing knowledge in India about the detrimental effects of poor sleep on both productivity and health consequences. It’s crucial to see a doctor rather than looking up symptoms online in order to manage any underlying sleep disorders as well as to preserve your quality of sleep.

Dr. Dey explains the following arguments for seeing a doctor rather than using sleep health screens:

To improve the quality of your sleep
Although some people may believe that having trouble sleeping just translates into the need for an additional cup of coffee in the morning, persistent sleep disturbances might raise the risk of diabetes, depression, and hypertension in the long run. Rather than checking online, scheduling a visit with your doctor may help identify any possible underlying causes of insomnia and provide the support required to get higher-quality sleep.

Regarding Preventive Medical Care
It’s important to be in touch with your physician about any medical needs and to keep an eye on your sleeping patterns. By keeping an eye on the body’s fundamental vital indicators, a regular checkup with the doctor may serve as a system of checks and balances. Frequent visits allow the doctor to keep an eye on any changes in your overall health or sleep habits, which in turn enables them to quickly alter your prescription or help you find a specialist if needed.

To Treat Sleep Issues
A sleep problem is a condition that prevents you from getting enough sleep. These disorders may affect your general quality of life, as well as your physical and mental well-being. It is essential to see a sleep expert for help with a sleep disturbance, since they are the best suited to provide guidance.

A medical professional could suggest therapies that are most appropriate for your situation or suggest that you modify your sleeping habits in order to improve your quality of sleep.While looking up health-related material online isn’t necessarily bad, conducting more research raises the possibility of unneeded worry, which is known to have detrimental impacts on health. If you or a loved one is too tired throughout the day or shows indications of tiredness, you should see a healthcare professional. More precisely than you or the internet, a doctor can diagnose you.


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