Heart Healthy Advice: Steer clear of these five dairy products to lower your risk of cardiovascular illnesses

Dairy products are seen as a crucial component of a well-balanced diet. They are brimming with vital minerals and vitamins, including calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. Well, when it comes to heart health, dairy products aren’t all created equal. Due to their high content of saturated fat, several dairy products may raise LDL cholesterol levels and raise the risk of heart disease.

Dairy products may be a good source of nutrients, but if taken in excess, certain of them might cause cardiovascular problems. In order to encourage a healthy heart, we have listed five dairy products in this post that you should either avoid or consume in moderation.

Five Dairy Products to Steer Clear of for Heart Healthier

Full-Fat Dairy: Saturated fats, found in whole milk, cream, full-fat cheese, and butter, may elevate cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. Reduce your consumption of saturated fat by choosing dairy products that are low-fat or fat-free.
Sweetened condensed milk: High in calories and sugar, sweetened condensed milk raises the risk of heart disease and contributes to weight gain. For recipe substitutions, use unsweetened condensed milk or evaporated milk.
Ice Cream: Due to its high sugar, calorie content, and saturated fat content, ice cream is not a heart-healthy choice. To satisfy your sweet taste without jeopardising your heart health, go for healthier options like homemade fruit-based sweets or frozen yoghurt.
yoghurt with flavours: While flavorful, yoghurt with flavours is high in added sugars, which may cause weight gain and raise the risk of heart disease. It’s preferable to have plain, unsweetened yoghurt and replace the sweetness with fresh fruit.
Processed Cheese: Saturated fats and excessive salt content in processed cheese may be harmful to cardiovascular health. Alternatively, seek out less-sodium choices and use natural cheeses in moderation.

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