Know The Signs, The Causes, And How To Avoid Osteoarthritis

The most prevalent kind of arthritis in the world is osteoarthritis. Degenerative joint disease (DJD) is the name given to it in most cases. Osteoarthritis is more prone to develop in elderly adults. Osteoarthritis changes often take place gradually over a number of years. Osteoarthritis results in joint inflammation and damage from bony changes, degeneration of tendons and ligaments, and cartilage disintegration, which causes pain, swelling, and deformity of the joint.

Although osteoarthritis may harm every joint in the body, it mostly affects the hips, knees, hands, and spine joints. While its symptoms may often be controlled, damage to the joints cannot.

Osteoarthritis often manifests as swelling, bone spurs, pain, stiffness, discomfort, loss of flexibility, and grating sensations.

Osteoarthritis causes

Osteoarthritis often begins as a progressive deterioration of the cartilage that serves as a cushion for the ends of bones in the joints. Joint action is almost frictionless thanks to the hard, slick tissue known as cartilage. If the cartilage totally deteriorates over time, the cushion will eventually disappear, causing the bones to push against one another.

The term “wear-and-tear disease” is often used to describe osteoarthritis. But it affects the whole joint in addition to the cartilage’s degeneration. The connective tissues that keep the joint together and link muscle to bone deteriorate, and it alters the bone. In addition, it leads to joint lining irritation. Age, obesity, joint traumas, heredity, bone abnormalities, and other variables are some of the primary causes of the condition.

Osteoarthritis Prevention Techniques

A healthy body weight should be maintained since being overweight may strain the joints. The hips, knees, ankles, and feet might suffer from carrying additional weight, which can also alter the cartilage.

Managing Blood Sugar: Osteoarthritis may also be brought on by having excessive blood sugar levels. It’s critical to keep the body’s sugar levels healthy.

Exercise helps prevent joint issues by keeping the body in shape. It makes the muscle stronger and keeps the joint from becoming stiff. Any kind of exercise should be performed for at least 30 minutes each day.


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