Researchers unlock the secret of exercising to revers aging

Exercise may help reverse ageing by preventing the accumulation of lipids, a form of fat that builds up when bodily tissue ages, according to a research published on Friday.

The investigation was carried out on mice and people by a group of experts from the Amsterdam University Medical Center (UMC), located in the Netherlands.

Their findings, which were published in the journal Nature Aging, showed that there are certain lipids present that signal tissue aging and may be reduced by exercise.

Professor Riekelt Houtkooper of the Genetic Metabolic Diseases laboratory at Amsterdam University Medical Center said, “The idea that we could reverse ageing is something that was long considered science fiction, but these findings do allow us to understand a lot more about the ageing process.”

It’s a common belief that “it’s just part of getting older,” but this isn’t always the case. The assistant professor at Amsterdam UMC, Georges Janssens, said, “We can also look into new ways of intervening by understanding more about the ageing process.”

The researchers looked at how alterations in fat composition affected the muscles, kidneys, liver, and heart in their mouse study.

They discovered that all of the older animals’ tissues had higher levels of a particular kind of lipid called bis (monoacylglycero) phosphates, or BMPs.

The researchers discovered a comparable build-up of BMP in older adult muscle samples. However, biopsies conducted following a daily one-hour workout showed a drop in BMP levels, highlighting the significance of exercise.

The researchers noted that further research is necessary to determine the exact impact that physical exercise plays in slowing down the aging process.

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