Eight Brilliant Inventions by Well-Known Writers

Not only was Roald Dahl a prolific author known for his whimsical tales and vivid imagination, but he was also a brilliant thinker. Among his most innovative creations was the cerebral shunt, a unique medical device designed to assist patients suffering from hydrocephalus, a disorder in which fluid accumulates in the brain. Because of his son’s hydrocephalus, Dahl was inspired to develop the shunt, which fundamentally altered the treatment options for this illness, offering hope and saving many lives.

In addition to being a well-known author of novels like “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” Mark Twain was also an exceptionally talented inventor. Among his clever creations was the self-pasting scrapbook, which offered a clever way to avoid the tedious task of adhering pictures and mementos to albums. To make things stick in Twain’s smart scrapbook, all you had to do was add water to the pages that already had glue on them. This made preserving memories for later years quite easy.

The author of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” Lewis Carroll, demonstrated his resourcefulness with a postal container. He had a strong interest in logic and arithmetic, which led him to design a practical tiny box for organizing stamps. This ingenious box had compartments for various stamp kinds and even an integrated mechanism for simple removal. Carroll’s clever creation demonstrated how much he valued order and neatness in his day-to-day activities.

The well-known author of “The Handmaid’s Tale” and other fantastic tales, Margaret Atwood, dabbled with technology as well. She invented a device known as a virtual autograph pen. This pen was designed for the digital age, enabling writers to sign digital documents and e-books from a distance. It preserved the autograph custom even as an increasing number of books were read online.

The author of the critically acclaimed novels “Sacred Games” and “Red Earth and Pouring Rain,” Vikram Chandra, came up with something really amazing with Granthika. It’s a unique writing computer application. Granthika organizes tales for authors by creating character maps, overseeing timetables, and doing topic analyses. Chandra made it simpler for authors to create comprehensible and straightforward narratives with this idea.

Renowned science fiction author Robert Heinlein invented something really unique with the waterbed. While serving aboard a navy ship during World War II, he had the notion. Heinlein saw a really comfortable and healthful mattress that was filled with water. His creation revolutionized the way people perceived comfortable sleeping and enjoyed long-term widespread use.

The first metal detector was one of the inventions made by the brilliant Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the man behind Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle, a physician and avid criminal investigator, invented a tiny device that could detect metal objects inside human bodies. Subsequently, this discovery gave rise to the metal detectors we use wherever we go today, whether it be for security checks or to uncover hidden riches.

The brilliant author of “The Lord of the Rings,” J.R.R. Tolkien, came up with an extremely clever concept—the geothermal pump. He described an invented device that could draw heat from the earth’s interior and utilize it to warm homes and structures in a 1942 letter. Though only a notion at the time, it foresaw the eventual development of the geothermal heating systems we use in our houses today.



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