Shanivar Ke Upay: Steer clear of these five actions on Saturday to avoid upsetting anybody Lord Shani

Shanivar Ke Upay: Saturday is considered to be Lord Shani and Bhairav’s day in Vedic astrology. To lessen Shani Dev’s detrimental impacts, people take part in a range of activities. To lessen Lord Shani’s negative impacts, individuals must also abide by certain guidelines and refrain from engaging in certain activities on Saturdays. Let’s examine the list of the top five things to avoid doing on a Saturday.

Shanivar Ke Upay: Steer clear of these five Saturday activities

1. Avoid Proceeding in These Directions

When consulting the list of things not to do on Saturday, people should bear in mind that they should not go in the North, East, or Northeast directions. It is very important for Native Americans to keep in mind that they have an astrological duty to go eastward. If the locals are eating ginger, they need to go five steps in the other direction.

2. Refrain from Buying These Items

People are not allowed to buy products made of wood, coal, salt, or iron. The native’s life is free of obstacles, unwanted issues, and difficulties as a result of doing this. In addition, natives shouldn’t purchase black shoes, paper, pencils, or brooms.

3. Avoid Eating These Items

No one is allowed to eat curd, milk, or any other dairy product. Anyone consuming anything similar would have to add some turmeric or jaggery. In addition, pickles made with red pepper, eggplant, or mango are prohibited.

4. Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Avoid drinking on Saturdays since it attracts unwanted problems and difficulties in life. It is also considered bad luck for locals with a malefic Saturn in their horoscope.

5. Other Things Not to Do on Saturday

Women are not allowed to visit their in-laws’ houses on Saturdays. Additionally, people should abstain from cutting their nails and hair.


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