Tips for a summer diet that can help expectant mothers remain hydrated and well

It’s great to consume a range of fruits and vegetables throughout the summer. Here are a few dietary suggestions from a dietitian for expectant mothers to consider during this sweltering summer. Include eight to ten glasses of water each day to remain hydrated. To satisfy your need for electrolytes and nutrients in addition to water, try adding sugarcane juice, fruit smoothies, jeera buttermilk, soft coconut water, and mint lemonade.

To satisfy your needs for iron, folic acid, and calcium, include green vegetables in your soups, dals, and parathas. To absorb iron from your diet, eat more vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables such as guava, oranges, mangoes, kiwis, capsicum, tomatoes, and lemon.

Steer clear of meals high in caffeine, such as coffee, since they may prevent your body from absorbing iron. Many hydrating fruits and vegetables, such as watermelons, cucumbers, water apples, and ice apples, which are high in water, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, are available throughout the summer.

Milk and dairy products, such as curd and paneer, are excellent sources of calcium. Probiotics found in curd are beneficial for improved digestion. Add salads, boiled veggies, carrots, beets, and colored peppers to your plate to give some color and promote immunity since these foods are rich in antioxidants.

Pick up some nutritious munchies. To fulfill magnesium, zinc, B complex vitamins, and vitamin E, try nuts like Greek yogurt with fruit, chiaseed pudding, hummus with carrot sticks, and almonds, walnuts, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds. Baby carrot, cucumber, and boiling sweetcorn salads are good sources of fiber to help prevent constipation.

It is recommended that expectant moms consume complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, oats, whole wheat, millets, and single ply rice in order to prevent constipation and lower their risk of gestational diabetes. Avoid fried, fatty, and oily meals such as French fries, pizza, burgers, and chips that cause acidity. Eat fewer chiles, hot sauce curries, and sour meals to prevent stomach issues and acidity. Reducing or avoiding the consumption of red meat and organ meats is one of the finest summertime health tips.

Eat smaller, more regular meals rather than one huge one at a time. Cooking techniques, including sautéing, shallow frying, pressure cooking, steaming, boiling, and steaming, help prevent you from consuming extra fat in your diet. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are important for a baby’s brain development and may be found in foods like walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, almonds, seafood, and olive oil.

The finest sources of protein include fish, lean chicken, paneer, and lentils. Boiled eggs are a convenient and effective source of protein for babies’ growth and development. Prevent stress eating by briefly considering your feelings of boredom, sadness, loneliness, or anxiety before you begin eating. This will assist you in avoiding junk food and overindulging in food. Ensure that unhealthy snacks such as candy, refrigerated ice cream, chilled beverages, prepackaged chips, and prepared dishes are not readily available.

Foods that are in close proximity to you may draw you in and intensify your desire to consume junk food even when you’re not really hungry. Maintain a consistent meal schedule, such as three large meals and a few small snacks in between, and practice mindful eating. You may enhance both your own and your baby’s health during the summer by following the dietary recommendations mentioned above. Remain safe and hydrated.

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