What Could Be Causing Your Early-onset Grey Hair? Expert Describes

People in their twenties and thirties may have premature graying, sometimes referred to as gray hair at an early age. This condition is significant from a cosmetic and perhaps health perspective. While some may embrace their gray hair as a sign of knowledge and wisdom, others may find it difficult to accept their prematurely aged look.

Premature graying may be caused by a variety of factors, including as genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices. While some individuals are genetically prone to gray hair early in life, other factors including stress, smoking, eating poorly, and deficiency in key vitamins may speed up the process. Additionally, there can be a link between some illnesses like vitiligo or thyroid problems and early graying.

It’s also important to remember that early emergence of gray hair is a common sign of aging. For individuals who would prefer to address this, many options are available, including hair dyes and going natural.

Dr. Nandini Baruah, a dermatologist expert at Panchsheel Park’s Max Multi Speciality Centre, exclusively spoke with Jagran English on the causes of your early onset of gray hair.

“While genetics is thought to be the primary cause of premature hair graying (PHG), certain environmental factors also play a role,” said Dr. Nandini. PHG may also be linked to deficits in trace elements such calcium, vitamin D3, and vitamin B12. Hair has a significant role in how someone feels about themselves and how they look. Reduced melanocyte activity and decreased hair production are associated with aging of the hair follicle. Graying hair is a typical age-related characteristic. When hair graying starts before the ages of 20 in white people, 25 in Asian people, and 30 in African people, it’s referred to as premature hair graying, or PHG. While autoimmune diseases, smoking, and trace element deficits have all been linked to PHG, genetics may still be the main cause, according to research.”

Finally, she said, “It was also shown that a sedentary lifestyle and irregular eating patterns were associated with PHG. A small number of studies have also noted the involvement of medications, smoking, dietary inadequacies, trace element deficits, and environmental variables (such as climate and UV radiation) in PHG. The younger population of today skips meals and has inconsistent eating habits, which causes nutritional inadequacies and early graying of the hair. PHG may also be caused by stress. By eating regularly (a balanced diet), practicing meditation, doing some mild exercise every day, and getting enough sleep, you may try to reduce your stress.”

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