You will like this recipe for White Dhokla, which is sour and spicy, if you make it at home

You’re in for a treat if you like spicy and sour tastes! We’ll walk you through the steps of creating delicious White Dhokla at home in this post. Not only is this classic Indian meal excellent, but it’s also simple to make. Come on, let’s start this culinary journey!

Ingredients Required

Collect the following items to make your White Dhokla:

Regarding the Dhokla Batter

Rice, one cup

Black gram split urad dal, 1/2 cup

14 cup of split chickpeas (chana dal)

1/4 cup yogurt with acid

A half-teaspoon of baking soda

Salt as desired


To be Tempered:

oil, 2 tablespoons

One-half teaspoon of mustard seeds

one-half teaspoon of cumin seeds

Sesame seeds, half a teaspoon

Asafoetida (hing): 1/4 teaspoon

1-2 finely chopped green chilies

couple of curry leaves

Grated coconut, 1/4 cup

two teaspoons of chopped coriander

Lemon juice, two teaspoons

Time to Start Cooking!

First, let the ingredients soak

Together, wash the rice, urad dal, and chana dal.

Put them in water overnight or for four to six hours.

Prepare the Dhokla Batter in Step 2

The drained ingredients are combined with a little amount of water to create a homogeneous batter. The consistency ought to resemble pancake batter.

The batter should also include salt, baking soda, and sour yogurt. Mix thoroughly.

When the batter has doubled in volume, cover it and let it ferment for 6 to 8 hours.

Steam the Dhokla in step three.

Put some oil on a heating dish or dhokla platter.

Tap the oiled plate after you pour the batter on to get rid of any air bubbles.

A toothpick put into a dhokla should come out clean after around 15-20 minutes of steaming the batter over medium heat.

Tempering the Dhokla in Step Four

In a pan, heat the oil. Add the asafoetida, sesame seeds, cumin seeds, and mustard seeds. Let them cough.

Add curry leaves and green chilies. For one minute, sauté.

Over the steaming dhokla, pour this tempering.

Sprinkle chopped cilantro, shredded coconut, and lemon juice on top of it.

5. Serve and take pleasure.

The dhokla should be given some time to cool.

Cut it into diamond or square shapes.

Serve your delicious White Dhokla with tamarind or mint chutney.

Final Reflections

As difficult as it may appear, making White Dhokla at home is not difficult. You can prepare this delicious and savory dinner in the convenience of your home with the correct ingredients and a little patience. Why then wait? Try it out and enjoy the flavor of this customary Indian sweet! Always keep in mind that cooking is more than simply following a recipe; it’s about bringing your own special flair and passion to every meal you prepare. Have fun cooking!




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