CM Naveen Patnaik: Odisha’s youth should be prepared for the global market

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik said on Monday that the state’s young should be prepared for the future in this era of fast evolving technology and its effects on society.

The chief minister said that the two-day Nua Odisha global conference on development and employment would create a precedent for laying out a plan to prepare the next generation of workers for the demands of the global labor market. The summit will discuss trends in identifying future industries and skill development areas and provide recommendations for the essential skill training for state youth.

According to the chief minister, the summit will provide a forum for comprehending the trend and outlining a precise course for young development. For us, transformation is a need rather than an option. “Our youth need to be prepared for the future,” he said.

The chief minister said that the meeting would set the stage for determining future workforce plans, chances for creative job creation, and the development of Skilled-in-Odisha for emerging industries. “By working together, we can unleash Odisha’s enormous potential and build a prosperous, inclusive society in the future,” he said.

5T chairman VK Pandian addressed the meeting, discussing the significant changes the chief minister has brought about in the state. “Now, the state is looking forward to the next stage of transformation where people of Odisha can perform and compete at a global level under his visionary leadership,” he said.

Top department officials were in attendance, along with Priti Ranjan Ghadai, Minister of State for Skill Development and Technical Education, and Alaka Misra, Chairperson of the Odisha Skill Development Authority. The summit was attended by a variety of stakeholders and officials from the industry.

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