Will address concerns that Chandigarh merchants are facing: Tandon Sanjay

Sanjay Tandon, the BJP’s contender for the Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat, said today that if elected, he will address the problems that business owners, manufacturers, and residents of the Chandigarh housing board are facing.

Tandon was speaking during a meeting at Sector 17, where he had meetings with members of the RWA, the Grain Market Association, and local merchants to talk about their worries and the future of the city. The traders Charanjiv Singh and Kamljeet Singh Panchhi expressed their confidence in his ability to quickly handle and fix these problems.

Later, at a different function, Valmiki Samaj gave him support and expressed appreciation for the many welfare initiatives that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has started over the last ten years.

Tandon said that the city needs an MP who can be readily reached by his constituents and who is accessible to them 24/7. Tandon spoke in public gatherings in Sectors 44 and 45 as well. He emphasized construction projects including bike lanes, the Air Force Museum, Bird Park, and a 9% increase in green space.

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