A 52-year-old US doctor attempts to cast a “death spell” on her ex-husband

A peculiar case has surfaced in Kentucky, USA, where a female pediatrician is suspected of attempting to hire a sorcerer to perform a “death spell” on her ex-husband. It is said that Dr. Stephanie Russell spent a long time planning the strange murder scheme before deciding to use the more traditional method of employing a hitman.

The 52-year-old Kentucky pediatrician tried to kill her ex-husband Richard Crabtree, according to the Department of Law and Justice, by hiring a professional assassin after first turning to a witch doctor.

She was allegedly arrested after being discovered in a sting operation, in which the hitman for hire was an undercover FBI agent. She was then accused of using interstate commerce facilities to carry out a murder-for-hire plot. Even though this event happened two years ago, there may be a lawsuit because of recent signals that the legal issues have been resolved. According to the authorities, Dr. Russell was taken aback upon learning that the alleged “hitman” was really an FBI undercover agent.

Images from WhatsApp discussions between Stephanie Russell and others claiming to be experts in “death spells” have been included in recently filed papers by Russell’s defense team. Russell’s legal team revealed these communications to show that her “mental health was significantly impaired” throughout the relevant time.

Before her trial began on Monday, Stephanie Russell admitted her guilt, according to the case manager for Judge David Hale. Russell acknowledged committing the two crimes included in a federal indictment. These accusations center on her allegedly trying to pay someone to kill her ex-husband by setting up interstate travel or utilizing interstate communication channels. She also admitted to encouraging her husband’s interstate stalking.

An affidavit claims that Stephanie Russell wanted her ex-husband dead in order to get back custody of their two kids. Russell accused her ex-husband in 2020 of abusing the children physically and sexually, leading to the awarding of full custody to him. A court, however, found that Russell’s claims were unsupported by any solid evidence.

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