A Mumbai man uses a gutka packet to litter a train station and gives an odd justification for his actions

Having a clean public space is consistent with good civic behavior. While many people make an effort to keep their surroundings clean, other people disregard this. A guy was found trashing a local train station in Mumbai, where a similar behavior was seen. The guy was unmoved by a fellow passenger’s warning and continued to justify his behavior.

see the video:

The guy can be seen idly throwing a gutka packet out the train window in a video. Soon after, a fellow traveler who had clicked the video approaches him and begs him not to do it again. To the surprise of everybody, the commuter claims he pays for maintenance services as a kind of defense. This occurred despite his fellow passenger’s suggestion that he hold onto the package in his pocket and dispose of it in a garbage at a later time.

The caption on the video on X said, “Sick mentality.” This gentleman maintains the @RailMinIndia to keep it clean, but he won’t stop performing filthy work. How to handle such ninnys. They are not worthy of a trip.

There’s no question that the video received harsh condemnation from internet users. A commenter said, “Railway needs to punish him at least one lakh and publicize it to ensure that other fools who act foolishly like him learn their lesson. In any case, the purpose of reel producers is to parody and raise awareness in an alternative manner. If India starts littering, it should be alright.

“This guy gives maintenance to the government so that he can litter around,” observed another. Kindly impart a valuable lesson to him.

One person responded to the incident by writing, “My friend, you are a true hero for confronting him and recording it! Hats off!” The public doesn’t support it, even if I would have highlighted the same problem in the same way.

The official passenger assistance handle, Railway Seva, has also responded to the situation. “We’re concerned to see this and would like to help ASAP,” they said. Your train and cellphone numbers are needed, preferably via direct message. You may also contact RPF India directly at or by calling 139 for prompt resolution.

When the video was posted on April 17, it received over 7,000 views and a wide range of responses.

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