‘Look Between Keyboard’ Memes: How to Stop Them? How-To Guide: Mute Viral Trend on ‘X’ in Steps

Have you seen the recent buzz surrounding X (previously Twitter) around the “Look between X and Y” trend? Though not everyone is happy about it, it seems like everyone is talking about it. Memes that seem to be everywhere, tricking people’s minds and trying their patience, are starting to irritate people.

Just imagine yourself browsing through X while you’re relaxing when two new letters appear on your screen. Your mind begins to race as you attempt to decipher their meaning. It’s similar like searching for those two characters on a keyboard just to learn that there is a whole secret message between them.

However, the more irate we get, the more often these memes appear on X, and they don’t seem to be stopping. How then can we get out of this madness?

To assist you avoid seeing those “Look between X and Y” memes on your feed, follow these easy step-by-step instructions:

There you have it, then! Eliminate the never-ending scrolling to find hidden messages. You may now relax and take pleasure in using social media without having to worry about headaches.

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