The Asoka Trend: How Kareena Kapoor’s 2001 Movie Clothes Went Viral on TikTok

Evergreen beauty Kareena Kapoor never fails to wow her followers with her own style and create trends that very few can follow. It’s surprising that individuals from diverse cultures are now talking about her dress choices from more than 20 years ago. If you use social media often, you’ve undoubtedly seen videos where people recreate the famous “San Sanana” song from the 2001 film “Asoka,” which starred Shah Rukh Khan and Kareena Kapoor, by dressing up in traditional Indian wedding wear.

The movie features what seems to be traditional Indian clothing, complete with geometric body and facial decorations and heavy eyeliner. The movie doesn’t include any contemporary Indian wedding attire, but its vivid colors, strong eye makeup, dramatic overall style, and gold jewelry have turned it into a symbol of the Asoka movement.

The “#asokamakeup” fad gained millions of views and likes on Instagram and TikTok in a matter of days, traveling from Russia to the US.

Furthermore, the excitement that the Asoka style is generating throughout the globe goes beyond aesthetics; for many, it’s a gateway to the world of Hindi movies. Many people from all over the world express their renewed appreciation for Bollywood, and some even confess that this movement was the first thing that ever got them interested in Hindi music.

This movement is definitely having an impact outside of social media, bringing attention to the first “Asoka” movie. A plethora of new viewpoints and questions have been posted in the ‘San Sanana’ YouTube video’s comments area, suggesting that people are once again interested in this cinematic masterpiece.

That is to say, what started out as a sentimental tribute to a bygone period has evolved into an international celebration of Indian culture that crosses borders and cultivates a fresh appreciation for Bollywood’s enduring allure.

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