The internet urges people to “don’t let them win” as a gang of seagulls chases a man as he tries to steal chips.

In public areas, zoos, and national parks, there are signs that read “Do not feed the animals” for a purpose. It has been hypothesized that unrestrained feeding alters animal behavior, which may sometimes cause problems with public cleanliness and annoyance. This beachgoer had a similar incident after being pursued by a group of seagulls. The man’s chips in his palm were what sparked the violence. Social media users are both alarmed and amused after seeing the incident’s viral video on Instagram. The images show the beachgoer weaving past other guests while firmly encircling the chips in his arm.

The fact that not a single seagull was trailing the beachgoer was what caused things to spiral out of hand. If the footage is to be believed, the guy can be seen being followed by between 20 to 25 baying birds. The individual is obliged to leave in order to defend his food after being involved in an unforeseen pursuit. The guy tried to flee as quickly as he could, but he couldn’t get away. He ultimately makes the hasty decision to give up the chips in order to avoid being tracked down and surrounded by others. The guy, who seems to be on his phone, suddenly realizes that he can’t escape the flock of birds.

The birds swiftly seize on the meal when he takes the tough choice to throw away the chips. He spots an opportunity and scrambles away as soon as the seagulls gather close to the chips. The inline description of the popular video states, “He had to give up the chips to save his life.”

As soon as the video appeared online, social media users started posting rib-tickling comments. While some individuals claimed they would chose not to feed the seagulls, others issued warnings about the dangers of doing so. “This is why you shouldn’t feed them your chips,” a user said in response. “Because then they’ll expect chips from everyone and start getting more demanding of chips.”

Someone another added, “Don’t let them win.” Another said that it was difficult to sprint on the sand while wearing flip-flops. I can’t blame the man. In the meanwhile, someone other said, “Not a chance am I ever allowing this. I will fight them all, they’re not having my chips.” More than 3 million users of the social networking platform have seen the video.


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