This Smartwatch continuously monitors your body temperature

The first smartwatch that can continuously track the wearer’s body temperature will be on sale this autumn. This gadget, which is far from a gimmick, may be useful for those who have a variety of health issues as well as sportsmen and professionals in certain fields.

Withings, a French producer of smart devices with an emphasis on health, has announced its new ScanWatch line, which is a significant first in that it can continuously measure body temperature. This feature has been relatively constrained in smart gadgets up to this point. The Apple Watch, the industry standard for smartwatches, for instance, uses its sleep tracking feature solely at night to record the wearer’s body temperature. However, many individuals may find it helpful to always have a body temperature measurement available thanks to a wristwatch.

When worn on the wrist, the watch’s sensors will continually track changes in heart rate, breathing rate, and sleep cycles in addition to body temperature day and night. Additionally, menstrual periods may be monitored and recorded immediately on the wristwatch.

Given that many individuals would need to check their body temperatures, this new temperature monitoring feature is important. This is especially true for those who have autoimmune or chronic illnesses, as well as endocrine conditions like diabetes or hypothyroidism. In general, it may be helpful for any aged person who is feeble. Any abrupt temperature change in their situation might cause problems.

Continuous temperature monitoring may be helpful for persons without medical issues as well as those who routinely participate in physically demanding activities and those who work in harsh environments, such as very hot or extremely cold places.

In October 2023, the ScanWatch Light and ScanWatch 2 will be sold for US$249.95 and US$349.95, respectively.

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