Trolled Reddit user who claimed to have discovered the origins of the human race

Both the scientific community and the general public have long been interested in the genesis of humans. Every religious text explains the origin of humanity in a different way. Conspiracy theorists go so far as to say that humans are really alien microorganisms that were sent here by a more advanced intelligence species. Although it seems unlikely, nobody is certain how the earliest humans on Earth came to be.

While meditating in his bedroom, an anonymous guy has claimed to have been enlightened with knowledge of the origins of humanity. The guy said on Reddit that he had visions of the earth’s beginnings while trying to reach a meditative condition. He felt that these visions revealed the mysteries of life on Earth and addressed important theological issues. In his piece, he spoke about how he had ideas and pictures flashing through his mind as he tried to go asleep and enter a state of calm meditation.

He then claimed that these introspective experiences had given him “intriguing ideas” about how the world came to be. He went on, saying, “God was just like you. By themselves. In order to put things in perspective, he said that he had been spending the previous six months by himself with his dog, only socializing when absolutely essential, like when he went to the grocery store or the gym. He portrayed God as being very lonely, calling himself his closest friend and coming up with the notion of making a partner (who he first thought would be a woman). Through their friendship, he was able to explain the origins of mankind. He said that he had become a “dreamer” after seeing God’s creative power. He went on to say that God had shown to him, like a dreamer, how to manifest himself as a thought.

Reddit people mocked the person instead of being happy with his answer. A user replied that everyone may create original ideas by using their creativity, while another said the individual seemed to be prepared to establish his own cult.

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