Why Steve Jobs’s car was never equipped with a license plate

There is no need to introduce Steve Jobs. The late Apple CEO and Chairman was well-known for his unusual ways of thinking. He established a company that transformed how we live. At Pixar Animation Studios, a Walt Disney Company, he was the studio’s largest shareholder. Steve Jobs had a simple life in spite of his many accomplishments. He resided in a Palo Alto neighborhood home with an unpaved driveway.

Steve Jobs, who was well established, enjoyed the concept of standing out from the crowd and found a completely legal method to permanently drive without a license plate. He was well-known for parking his automobile in the allocated spot for those with disabilities. He was also seen as a criminal since he like to travel in his silver Mercedes SL55 AMG with a blank license plate.

Many ideas were developed around the issue of how he was able to drive without having a registration number on his vehicle. Some said that he had special leverage provided by the Californian government or that he used to pay the fee each time he was arrested.

Many even thought that despite leading a humble life, he was a millionaire and may have purchased a new automobile each month to satisfy his developing appetite for blank license plates.

There may be a lengthy list of these contradictory views, but lately, Quora users offered some intriguing responses. Check out the ideas they proposed.

The California Vehicle Code, the state regulation book containing the US’s driving regulations, included a gap that Steve Jobs, a genius, had discovered.

The California Vehicle Code states that anybody with a brand-new automobile has six months to get a registered number plate and attach it to the vehicle. Therefore, Steve Jobs formalized a deal with the automaker allowing him to switch automobiles when the lease’s sixth month was over. This allowed him to regularly trade in his outdated silver Mercedes SL55 AMG for a brand-new one. Since he was not obligated to use a number plate on his automobile within the specified time, he never infringed any laws.

According to reports, Steve Jobs previously acknowledged doing this for privacy-related reasons. Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011, as a consequence of a respiratory arrest brought on by his recurrent cell pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.


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