Malti Marie, Priyanka Chopra’s kid, looks precisely like mom and exudes confidence in the same way

Malti Marie, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ kid, was born in 2022. The pair has spoken a lot about how being parents has changed their life and given them new perspectives. Priyanka has spoken about how her sleep habits have changed as a result of her continued vigilance and attention to her daughter’s demands.

Priyanka said that her daughter Malti has a personality similar to her own on the podcast Read The Room.She explained this resemblance to her own ease with attention, remembering how at ease she was on stage and in front of the camera. Priyanka thinks her confidence was bolstered by her upbringing, which was encouraged by her parents, relatives, and friends. She observes this confidence being reflected in her daughter Malti.

Priyanka spoke on the unanticipated side of parenting, including the inability to regulate her sleep schedule. She admitted to being a light sleeper who was startled by every noise, especially her daughter’s crying. Chopra said that it has been hard to adapt since her daughter’s schedule now dictates when she gets to sleep, which has changed her evening routine.

A few months before, Nick Jonas had similar thoughts on parenting on the same program. He stressed the important lesson he hadn’t expected to acquire at that point in his life—namely, that after having a kid, one cannot control everything. Jonas spoke about the difficulties he had in the first few months of his daughter’s existence and the sharp discrepancy between what parents anticipate and what they really experience as parents.

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