Here’s how YouTube AI will make dull films a bit more bearable

An AI-powered tool that might make viewing dull films a bit more bearable is now being tested by YouTube. A limited subset of Premium customers are participating in a trial of a feature called “Premium Jump Ahead,” which allows users to double-tap on their touchscreen to get to the most interesting parts of a movie.

The Creator technical team at YouTube created a function that predicts and navigates to the most watched parts of a video based on user behaviour data.

A new button that lets users advance to the AI-predicted point in the timeline appears once they double-tap the screen on an eligible video.
The presenter in the video posted by YouTube creator-focused channel Creator Insider described how it operates: “If a viewer is double tapping to skip ahead on an eligible segment, we’ll show a jump ahead button that will take them to the next point in the video that we think they’re aiming for.” “Creators will be able to use this feature while viewing their own videos.”

This tool, which is mostly viewer-focused, will also provide content producers with insights on the sections of their films that most resonate with their audience. In this manner, content producers may enhance their material to more effectively interact with their audience and expand their networks.
This feature is only available to Premium users, and the test is only available in the US. It’s unknown whether and when the trial functionality will be made accessible outside of the trial or in additional locations.
Let’s say you just want to view the most interesting portions of a video since you have a limited attention span. If so, you may find this feature to be quite advantageous. Additionally, because this feature offers something extra in addition to the ad-free experience, it may draw in more paying users to YouTube.

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