The price of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra has dropped to its “lowest-ever” level: Details of the discount, further deals, and more

The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is presently available on Flipkart and the Amazon India website at a steep discount. The phone is now available with a flat discount of Rs 42,000 on Flipkart, while Amazon is also giving away a comparable amount on the Galaxy S23 Ultra.
The Galaxy S23 Ultra costs less than Rs 85,000. How to close the transaction
Flipkart claims that the phone is available for purchase for Rs 89,999 after a flat discount of 42%, or Rs 42,000.

It already indicates that the Galaxy S23 Ultra is a wise decision.
But there are further discounts offered. For example, customers may get an immediate Rs 5,000 discount on their purchase by using a Samsung Axis Bank Infinity card. This reduces the cost to 84,999.
In addition, the phone is featured on Amazon for Rs 92,769, with a cash back of Rs 4,678 when using an ICICI Bank credit card for Amazon Pay.
Why the Galaxy S23 Ultra is still logical

The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and the more recent Galaxy S24 Ultra share a few features. The Galaxy S23 Ultra still has a flagship configuration despite the upgrades, including a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 engine, 12GB RAM, 256GB storage, a 200MP main camera, a 5000mAh battery, and more.
Additionally, Samsung has recently started to send out the One UI 6.1 upgrade, which includes Galaxy AI capabilities, to its flagship devices from the previous generation, such as the Galaxy S23 Ultra. With the upgrade, the Galaxy S23 Ultra now has almost all of the AI functions found in the Galaxy S24 Ultra, making it a good value—especially at the current discount.
Thus, if you’ve been thinking about purchasing a new flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S23 Ultra could be a wise option.

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