He-Rose, a play that links the Iliad and the Bhagavad Gita, will be performed in Chandigarh’s Tagore Theatre

The Tagore Theatre in Chandigarh will host He-Rose, a dramatic production that links the Iliad with the Bhagavad Gita. The He-Rose performance, which made its debut a few months ago in Lyon, France, is being presented by the National School of Drama and the Cultural French Network in India.

He-Rose, which was written by Nimmy Raphel and directed by Vinay Kumar of Adishakti with help from Amaud Guennad of ENSATT, tells the sad story of two mythical heroes: Achilles from Homer’s Iliad and Arjuna from Veda Vyasa’s Bhagavad Gita.

Following a three-week stay at Auroville in Pondicherry in August of last year, eight students from ENSATT, a French school, were given the opportunity to learn and collaborate with Adishakti experts on the play’s staging, with director Nimmy Raphel serving as their mentor.

A deep investigation of the nature of heroism is at the core of He-Rose. By drawing comparisons between well-known characters like Achilles from the Iliad and Arjuna from the Mahabharata, the play questions accepted ideas of heroism and encourages viewers to consider the relationship between bravery and vulnerability.

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