The Top 5 Simple Yoga Pose That Every Woman Should Do

Women are the foundation of society and have a significant impact on how our lives are shaped. Women are capable of handling any obligation, from giving birth to managing everyday home tasks. A woman’s physical health is just as vital as the other obligations she bears. Incorporating yoga into your daily routine is one of the finest strategies to preserve your general health and way of life.

Anshuka, a well-known yoga and holistic wellness expert, has presented some of the finest yoga postures for women that are good for your general health. If experiencing pain or discomfort in the wrists, neck, or back during a yoga practise, one should refrain from doing certain yoga asanas.

1. Bitilasana Marjaryasana

It is a kneeling asana in contemporary yoga and combines two yoga postures that are done side by side to gradually warm up and improve spine flexibility. It is a yoga position for beginners that relaxes and calms the body as a whole. Anshuka advises that you think about doing this exercise if you have a stiff back. You may consistently do this yoga stance for between 15 seconds and three minutes.

How to Do It: To do Bitilasana Marjaryasana, start on all four ankles, placing your hips above your knees and toes and your shoulders precisely under them. To raise your sit bones to the ceiling and your eyeballs upward, take a deep breath and arch your spine. Consider holding this posture for two to three minutes. This is the cat stance. Exhale softly now, rounding your back and tucking your sit bones under. Holding the cow stance for two to three breaths is appropriate.

2. Vajrasana

This kneeling asana, which also goes by the names Thunderbolt and Diamond, is used in yoga poses that also include basic sitting. Constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues may be relieved by doing this position. To get the benefits, hold this stance for anywhere between 15 and three minutes each day.

How to practise: According to Healthline, you must begin by kneeling on the floor in order to practise Vajrasana. For comfort, think about utilising a yoga mat. Point your feet in a straight line with your legs as you cinch your knees and ankles together. Your big toes should connect and the soles of your feet should be facing upward. As you recline on your legs, breathe out. Your calves will support your thighs, and your heels will support your buttocks. Once you’re comfortable, place your hands on your thighs and softly move your pelvis backward and forth. Slowly inhale and exhale while you arrange your spine so that you are sitting up straight. Push your tailbone towards the floor while lifting your body up using just your head as a lever. Your chin should be parallel to the floor when you straighten your head to look ahead. Put your arms at your sides and place your hands, palms down, on your thighs.

3. Kapotasana

The Pigeon Pose is a kneeling, back-bending posture that reduces tension and enhances muscular flexibility. Additionally, it aids in back stregthening, back pain relief, and heart chakra opening. You may hold this posture for 15 seconds to three minutes each day, according to Anshuka Yoga.

How to Perform: Begin by bending your knees on your mat, lifting your chest, pulling your ribs away from your pelvis, and lengthening your spine. Reach your arms behind you while keeping your shoulders down. In order to enable gravity to expand your spine, attempt to descend gently now. To lower your hands to the ground, slightly stoop at the knees. Try to locate your feet while you walk your hands backwards. Put your hands on your heels and then lower them to the floor. After around five breaths, hold this pose and then gently release it.

4. Phalakasana

It is a fundamental yoga stance that aids in developing whole-body strength and is also referred to as the “plank pose.” You should frequently perform the plank stance for between 15 seconds and three minutes in order to burn all of your body fat.

5. Pawanmuktasana

The yoga stance Pawanmuktasana is a great way to start your day. It is user-friendly for beginners and aids in resolving issues with digestion. Anshuka advises include this wind-relieving stance in your regimen if you often have constipation or gas.

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