Hitler’s birthday was celebrated outside of his Austrian birthplace, leading to the arrest of four Germans

On the anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birth, four Germans were seen putting white flowers near his birthplace in western Austria; one of them even made a Hitler salute while posing for pictures, according to police on Monday.

On April 20, 1889, Hitler was born at Braunau am Inn. The home where he was born was the subject of protracted legal disputes, but this year construction began on converting it into a police station, with the intention of making it unappealing as a destination for those who worship Hitler.

The four Germans, two sisters and their boyfriends—who are in their 20s and early 30s, according to police in the region of Upper Austria, went to the building on Saturday to place white flowers in the window recesses. One of the ladies did the stiff-armed Hitler salute as they posed for pictures in front of the residence.

The gang was seen by patrolling cops, who then brought them to a police station to be questioned. Officers claimed to have discovered a conversation between the lady and the others on her smartphone in which they exchanged images and texts with a Nazi theme. The woman said she hadn’t intended the salute seriously.

On the grounds that they may have broken Austrian legislation prohibiting the use of Nazi symbols, police said they were referring all four to prosecutors.

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