Can hot showers help you manage frizzy hair while it’s raining? from a professional

Mornings in the cold are made better by hot showers. On frigid days, everyone enjoys taking long hot baths, but in the summer or during the rainy season, almost anybody uses a hot shower. Interestingly, hot water is the greatest treatment for those with frizzy hair, according to Kiran Bhatt, cosmetologist and vice president of Junoesque Clinic. During the rainy season, the high humidity levels in the air may make hair unruly and result in the dreaded frizz effect. While there are several treatments on the market that promise to manage frizz, a hot shower could be the unexpected cure you’re looking for.

According to vice president of Junoesque Clinic and cosmetologist Kiran Bhatt, “Hot showers may definitely aid in managing frizzy hair throughout the rainy season. When the air is humid, frizzy hair has a tendency to take in too much moisture, which makes the hair cuticles bulge. The outcome is the dreaded frizz because the hair shaft becomes rough and torn. A hot shower, however, may do wonders as a quick fix to offset these effects.

The hot water in the shower opens up the hair cuticles, letting any trapped moisture escape, she continues. This lessens the likelihood of frizz by preventing excessive moisture absorption from the environment. The natural oils generated by the scalp may also be distributed down the hair shaft with the aid of hot water, creating a barrier that protects against dampness.

How should frizzy hair be cared for?

Even if taking a hot shower is advantageous, Kiran Bhatt advises combining it with a hair care program for best results. According to her, utilizing a sulfate-free shampoo and nourishing conditioner may aid in moisture retention without adding to frizz. After taking a shower, gently pat dry your hair with a soft towel. To lock in the moisture, you could also want to use an anti-frizz serum or hair oil.

Avoiding heat damage and letting your hair enjoy its natural form are other wise practices. The secret to achieving a gorgeous mane is feeding, not just washing and conditioning your hair.

In conclusion, by assisting in the balance of moisture, hot showers may help reduce frizzy hair in rainy weather. To ensure smooth, frizz-free locks during the monsoon season, following a regular hair care regimen and utilizing the right hair products are equally important.


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