Do You Put On Weight While Working? Six Useful Desk-Based Strategies to Burn Belly Fat

Working a 9–5 job or spending a lot of time at a desk may quickly lead to the development of sedentary habits. If you don’t take adequate care of yourself, those long desk hours may ultimately start to show up the scale. Sustaining a healthy and fit lifestyle as well as positive relationships with others depend on maintaining a work-life balance.


Office workers often indulge in unhealthy snacks such as chips, fried food, sugary beverages, and binge eating when they take a break from work with their coworkers. Additionally, working long hours often leaves little time for exercise, which increases weight gain and decreases energy expenditure. However, by embracing these useful lifestyle practices, one could also be able to shed some additional weight at work.

Workplace Weight Loss: 5 SUCCESSFUL Ways to Burn Fat

Remain Hydrated: Drinking extra water is one of the simplest and most efficient ways to stay hydrated. As a gentle reminder to take a drink every few hours, keep a bottle of water next to your desk. It will improve digestion, make you feel more energized, and remove pollutants. This will improve metabolism even further.

Healthful Snacks: Your body needs extra energy while your brain is working nonstop. Frequent hunger sensations in between meals might result from this.This is one location where employees give in to urges and often eat unhealthy snacks, which causes them to gain weight. Try to bring wholesome, high-fiber, low-calorie snacks like makhane (foxnuts). Consume fruits, dried fruits, etc. Snacks high in protein and fiber will also help curb hunger.

Portion Control: Keeping an appropriate ratio of fat and nutrients in the body requires good control over eating habits. To prevent overindulging, use smaller dishes and plates for your cuisine.

Home-Cooked Meals: In today’s hectic world, bringing in home-cooked meals is considered a luxury, yet it is still necessary to make the effort. When possible, folks should bring a packed lunch from home, as it will be a better-balanced, nutrient-rich meal.

Limit Your Caffeine Intake: Everyone who works in an office usually drinks a cup of coffee. While coffee might give you a quick boost of energy, too much of it can cause jitters and hyperacidity.

Get up and move around: Staring at screens for extended periods of time has become the standard in the modern working world, and it’s really harmful. Throughout a 10-hour shift, it is crucial to walk about a little bit. Long periods of sitting still might increase your risk of developing a number of illnesses. Take a break every now and again and go for a stroll. Try to take a five- to ten-minute stroll after breakfast or lunch.

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