Good Friday 2024: Reasons Not to Wish Someone a Happy Good Friday

For Christians, Good Friday is a very important religious holiday that honors Jesus Christ’s death. It is considered to be among the world’s most significant religious occasions. It is advisable to refrain from wishing people a “Happy Good Friday” on this particular occasion, since Good Friday is a sad day rather than a festive one, despite its name.

The New Testament states that on this day, Jesus was crucified by the Romans on charges of blasphemy for claiming to be the Son of God. The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, gave the order for his death. One of his disciples, Judas, betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver, which resulted in Roman troops taking Jesus into custody.

What took place on Friday, Good Friday?
The stories say that Jesus carried the cross to Calvary, the place of his execution, where he was crucified and left to die. Christians take some time on this day to consider the suffering, death, and sacrifice of Jesus.

Easter Sunday is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, which the New Testament claims happened three days after his burial. It is observed on the day following Good Friday. The word “good” in the sense of pious or holy is where the name “Good Friday” originates. It’s often called Mourning Friday in German-speaking nations.

“Happy Good Friday”—why is it inappropriate?
It is not proper to wish someone a “Happy Good Friday” due to the serious nature of the holiday. Good Friday is a day for reflection and grief, in contrast to other joyful festivals like Christmas or Easter. On this day, Christians attend church, meditate on Christ’s suffering and death, and often fast as a symbol of sadness.

This day has great spiritual importance as it represents the sacrifice made by Jesus to cleanse mankind of its sins. Despite its seeming contradiction, the word “good” in “Good Friday” is thought to represent the goodness of God’s act of redemption via the death of Christ.

In an interview with the NBC New York Times, Rev. Dr. Brent Strawn, an Old Testament professor at Duke Divinity School, said, “Describing the day of Jesus’ death as ‘good’ seems strange.” “Why would you consider a day when your Messiah and Savior die as good?” he said.

The analysis clarifies that the origins of the term “good” for Good Friday are not totally established. One popular hypothesis holds that “good” originally meant “holy” or “God’s Friday,” since in Old English, “good” was equivalent to “holy.”

What should I say in its place?
Saying “Happy Good Friday” is not acceptable; instead, you should provide a thought-provoking and consoling message. You may say, “Thinking of you on this solemn day,” or even “Have a blessed Good Friday.” These remarks demonstrate compassion and an awareness of the day’s importance to Christians.

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