Good Friday 2024: Ten Thought-Provoking Sayings and Lessons from Jesus

Christians throughout commemorate the last hours of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion on Good Friday. It is a component of Holy Week and occurs on the Friday before Easter, as the name implies. The holiday commemorates Jesus Christ’s resurrection after his crucifixion. On Good Friday, followers of the faith gather in churches to commemorate readings, fasting, and abstinence related to the crucifixion of Jesus.

On this holy day, processions are conducted all around the globe, with participants carrying banners and crosses through the streets to mark the celebration. It’s a day to reflect on your own life and pray about the significance of Jesus’ suffering and death. There are several names for this day, including Great Friday, Black Friday, and Holy Friday. Good Friday is being commemorated today, March 29, this year.

Good Friday 2024: Thought-Provoking Sayings
“The promise of the resurrection is written by Our Lord not only in books but also in every leaf that appears in the spring.” – Martin Luther

“And, no cross, no crown; no pain, no palm, no thorns, no throne; gall, no glory.” William Penn

“We are people of Easter, but we live in a world of Good Friday.” Barbara Johnson

“God changed the inevitable course of death into the unstoppable force of life during the Easter season.” Lounsbrough, Craig D.

“Easter Sunday cannot exist in your life unless there is a Good Friday.” Fulton J. Sheen

“Jesus, if He had been God alone, He would not have been able to save us; but as Man, He could and did.” Charles Muggeridge

“Let’s take a look at Calvary to see what God is like.” Robert E. Coleman

“Christ humbled himself to meet the worst of humanity and give us the best of God.” Judith Couchman

Jesus serves as a priest to represent the people to God. He is the ultimate sacrifice, in addition to making the greatest offering. R.C. Sproul

“The payment for humankind’s sin was paid by Jesus’ death on the cross, which was a totally human and entirely divine sacrifice.” Meadors, Edward P.

Jesus Christ’s teachings on Good Friday, 2024
Pardon those who have caused you harm.

Serving others is the same as worshiping God.
Show love even to your adversaries.

Beg God to pardon your transgressions.

There is only one God, and the greatest mercier. The whole thing was made by him.

Everyone ought to grow to experience a sense of fraternity for others.
Worshiping God is the same as showing love to those who are suffering.

Serving others should come without expecting anything in return.

One may get forgiveness from God if they confess their sins.

Show love even to your adversaries. Treat those who attempt to hurt you with kindness.

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