Mishri: Five Incentives to Include Rock Sugar in Your Summertime Diet

For a long time, mishri, also known as rock sugar, has been a well-liked mouth freshener in India because of its hard texture and sweet flavor. Chewing these cubes after a meal is customary in the nation, along with fennel seeds. Many of you may also recall it as a kind of prasad that is served at temples. It is a fantastic Ayurvedic treatment for relieving stomach and bloating problems. In order to prevent weariness, grandmothers often advise chewing on a few cubes of mishri.

However, did you know that mishri may shield you from this season’s intense heat? You read correctly. Sugarcane juice is dried on threads put in containers in a traditional way to turn it into crystals. Rock sugar’s easy digestion and possible cooling effect come from the process of crystallization and recrystallization. Mishri is a fantastic addition to drinks like sherbet and lemonade, in addition to being used as a mouth refresher.

These five arguments support including rock sugar in your summertime diet.
Cools The Body: As was already said, mishri has a cooling impact on the body because of its frigid nature. In the summer, adding rock salt to your diet may help your body cool down and may even be beneficial if you have a bleeding nose. According to Ayurveda, eating it at this time of year will help bring your internal fire (pitta) into equilibrium and promote peace.

It’s normal to feel lethargic after a large dinner, especially in the summer. However, rock salt also works wonders in this situation. It promotes healthy digestion and increases the production of digestive juices, which further reduces bloating and pain. It tastes best as sweets, especially after a really fancy dinner.

Increases Vitality
Mishri is renowned for providing you with a quick energy boost that uplifts your depressed mood and controls mood swings. Additionally, it eases mental weariness and enhances memory. It is a terrific idea to have a glass of warm milk with mishri at night in order to get the best advantages.

Increases Haemoglobin
According to Ayurveda, anemia may be cured by consuming rock sugar on a regular basis. Rich in several minerals, vitamins, and amino acids, it helps with blood circulation and relieves weariness, weakness, and dizziness. When making sweets and beverages, use rock sugar instead of refined sugar for optimal results.

To Get Rid of Bad Breath
Mishri might be a great help for your foul breath problems. Chewing half a spoonful of mishri and fennel seeds after a heavy meal not only helps with good digestion but also leaves you feeling invigorated. Make a drink with mishri and ginger juice and consume it once or twice a day if you are experiencing any signs of a cold or cough. This will also help with the sore throat.

Saunf Sharbet Mishri
Twice as much fennel seeds
One chunk of sugar rock
25 leaves of mint
two cups of water
one tsp lemon juice
Cubes of ice
A dash of powdered black pepper
A dash of red or purple salt
A dash of masala chaat
Add one cup of water to a dish and mix the rock sugar and fennel seeds. For a more intense taste, let it soak in the refrigerator for two to three hours, or even overnight.
Strain the mixture through a strainer once it has soaked. Trash the mishri thread.
Place the fennel seeds in a container for grinding. Add 1/4 cup water and the mint leaves. Process it into a silky paste.

Using a strainer, strain the ground mixture once more. To fully extract the flavor, add the remaining 1/2 cup of water and push down with a spoon.

Stir in the lemon juice. To improve the flavor, you may add a little sprinkle of chaat masala, black pepper powder, or black salt.
Place a few ice cubes in a glass. After pouring the beverage over the ice, serve it cold.

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