A terrifying encounter: a tiger hunts down a fawn hiding in the grass after smelling her

Videos on the Internet that show terrifying interactions with wild animals abound. A video showing a tiger using its acute sense of smell to seek a fawn hidden in the grass has gone viral online, marking yet another incredible wildlife encounter. IAS officer Sanjay Kumar posted the little video on X (previously Twitter). Watchers can see the quick instant when the tiger grabs its victim and drags it away in its jaws while the video plays. The video was shot at a lodge in Jim Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand.

“In the wild, hide-and-seek is a regular occurrence. Predators, who are at the top of the food chain, keep the environment in balance while prey makes every effort to avoid them. Here, in Dhikala, Corbett TR, a tiger detects the scent of a little fawn that is lurking in the grasslands, according to an IAS officer.

Social media users rushed to the comments area of X’s video as soon as it was released to share their opinions. Tiger’s keen vision makes up for his lackluster sense of smell. One of them said, “Until he stumbled upon the kid, he was walking aimlessly.”

Wonderful video. This magnificent tiger seemed to have it so easy. It seems logical that the most successful land predators are cats, large and little,” another person said.

Without a doubt! The game of hide and seek in nature maintains equilibrium. The tiger’s acute senses detect the fawn that is hiding. Ecosystem Equilibrium,” one remark said.

The Ranthambore National Park’s official Instagram account previously posted a video showing a stressful scene when a tiger got too close to an open vehicle. Several people in the jeep panicked as the large animal approached and started sniffing about the car. They yelled and frantically begged the driver to remain a safe distance from the tiger.

It was an adventure of a lifetime for us to see the magnificent animal up close, according to the Ranthambore National Park. Although T121 is a lively animal, we were afraid. Twice he approached us, displayed his grandeur, and then moved away. We’ll cherish this moment for the rest of our lives.

Social media users were shivering at this shocking footage.

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