Internet users applaud a man’s trick for taking a toddler’s “passport photo,” which he came up with

Since toddlers won’t be left alone, it may be quite challenging for parents to encourage them to accomplish anything alone. Children still undergoing physical and mental development need adult assistance to function in daily life. Therefore, it may be challenging to get a youngster to remain still for a formal photograph for something as important as a passport. But a guy came up with a novel fix for the issue. The internet is buzzing with his alleged method for having his baby’s passport-sized picture taken.

A snapshot of a father holding his kid during what seems to be a photoshoot for a passport-sized photo was posted by Twitter user ‘Yair Menchel’. The endeavor, which would have been significantly hampered by the toddler’s inability to sit by herself, instead received praise from online users. The dad was seen holding his daughter and sitting with a white sheet over him, facing the camera. The child seemed to be sitting alone, which was not conceivable without the white sheet.

The user captioned the image, “Passport worker – We’re gonna need the baby to sit on the chair for the photo,” assuming that the photographer and the father of the kid had a talk. She won’t allow me to put her down, Dad. If you want a passport photo, you’ll need to make some kind of arrangement, says the passport clerk. I’ve got an idea, Dad.

The internet users were eager to comment and praised the technique as soon as the post went up. Some even said that they wished they had known the tip sooner since it may have come in handy for them.

“This is THE best (and cutest) tweet you’ll see today, period. Period. without a doubt. Also, girl dads are great, one person said.

“Brilliant. Wins Twitter today,” a second online user commented. A third user said, “I’ve had to do the same thing for a cat photoshoot… “

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