Why Flapping Our Hands Doesn’t Allow Humans to Fly Like Birds

Superman and Thor are flying through the air faster than light in a plethora of superhero films that have been released. Enthralled by these superheroes, children and teenagers often desire they might soar into the skies like their idols. Further investigation reveals that if birds are able to fly in the air by flapping their wings, then what is stopping people from doing the same? Given the advancements in technology in the modern day, a question on whether humans can fly like birds has been posed on the social networking site Quora.

To this question, a lady answered. She said that compared to birds, humans do not have as strong of hand muscles. The strong muscles that enable birds to soar are connected by a keel bone. Even though humans have taken to the sky in aircraft, we are not able to fly on our own. As of right now, scientists have determined that mathematical limitations will prevent humans from ever being able to fly like birds.

The websites of Science World and the American engineering school MIT claim that since human hands are incapable of producing enough lift to defy gravity and raise us above it, people cannot fly like birds. Despite the fact that feathers play a significant role, birds’ light bodies and hollow bones really aid in their ability to fly. Because they are light-bodied due to the air sacs in their bodies, birds are able to fly with ease.

Their body shape helps to reduce air resistance while they fly. Their muscles are very powerful. Moreover, the lungs of birds are constructed differently. With every breath, it inhales a large amount of oxygen, or necessary air. Their muscles remain engaged for a longer amount of time as a result. Due to air held in their wings, birds are able to soar higher.

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