A tattoo and junk food can make you get tested for hepatitis, right? Are You in Danger?

The medical word for liver inflammation is hepatitis. Fever, body pains, nausea, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort, and jaundice are just a few of the symptoms that hepatitis may cause.

“Hepatitis B, C, and D are spread by sharing contaminated needles, engaging in unprotected sexual activity, or coming into touch with an infected person’s blood. As a result, any medical operation must always be performed in a hospital or licensed practitioner. Additionally, stay away from unlicensed tattoo artists. Finally, Dr. Tushar Tayal, Lead Consultant, Department of Internal Medicine, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, advises using contraceptives at all times while having sexual relations with someone whose status is unclear.

A risk factor for hepatitis B, C, and D is getting a tattoo from an unlicensed artist. In a tattoo, needles are used to puncture the skin and inject colour there. “If the tattoo pigment is reused and the needles are not sterile, there is a potential that they may be contaminated with the hepatitis virus, which might then be passed on to the tattoo recipient. Therefore, make sure the ink is fresh, the needles are sanitary, the tattoo shop is licensed, and the tattoo artist is wearing gloves, advises Dr. Tayal.

Food from roadside sellers and junk food may not have been treated hygienically and may be contaminated with many germs and viruses that may lead to typhoid, hepatitis, and dysentery. According to Dr. Tayal, “Junk food also contains a lot of trans fat, which leads to liver inflammation and fatty liver.” A lifestyle condition called fatty liver affects the immune system, general health, and the liver.

Some lifestyle guidelines that one should constantly adhere to are:

-Avoid unprotected sex with a person whose health state is unclear.

-Only get medical treatment or a blood transfusion from a licensed physician or hospital.

-Regular exercise will keep your liver healthy.




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