Why Is There a Wintertime Increase in Thyroid Hormones? Professional Describes

Did you know that symptoms of any thyroid illness might worsen throughout the winter? Hashimoto’s illness and hypothyroidism are examples of this. The impact of cold weather on thyroid function might worsen symptoms for those who already have thyroid problems. The thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism, may become more sluggish throughout the winter, which may have an effect on hormone production. Some effects of this include cold sensitivity, weight gain, and fatigue. Reduced sun exposure in the winter may also result in vitamin D deficiency, which worsens thyroid dysfunction.

In addition, in order to effectively manage symptoms over the winter, individuals with thyroid diseases must be aware of seasonal variations and work closely with medical professionals to change medication or lifestyle choices.

The reason for the wintertime increase in thyroid hormones (picture courtesy of Canva)

In an exclusive interview with Jagran English, Dr. Anu Gaikwad, HOD Geriatric Medicine and Consultant Diabetologist at DPU Super Specialty Hospital, Pimpri, Pune, explained why thyroid hormone levels rise in the winter.

“To put it simply, hypothyroidism is the insufficient production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland,” said Dr. Anu. Imagine the thyroid as a vehicle engine. Your body’s functions will slow down if it isn’t producing enough fuel, or thyroid hormones. Sluggishness, weight gain, weariness, and chilly feelings are typical symptoms. Your body’s energy thermostat seems to be set too low.

She further said, “There are a number of reasons why thyroid hormone levels might increase in the winter. The body increases metabolic activity in cold conditions in order to keep itself warm. The thyroid gland may create additional hormones in response to this increased metabolic rate, including the metabolism-regulating hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Wintertime solar exposure reduction may also have an effect on the body’s circadian rhythm, which might affect thyroid function. Thyroid fluctuations may also be exacerbated by seasonal variations in nutrition, which may result in changes to nutrient consumption. Furthermore, as the body adapts to environmental conditions, wintertime diseases and stresses may cause hormonal changes. Although all of these variables together affect thyroid hormone levels, each person’s reaction is unique.”

Who Is Most Likely To Experience Thyroid Issues?
Anybody may be impacted by thyroid issues, although some variables may make them more likely. Particularly as they become older, women are more vulnerable than males. Thyroid disorders are more common in those with a family history, suggesting a hereditary component. Increased vulnerability may result from autoimmune illnesses such as Graves’ or Hashimoto’s disease. One risk factor is iodine deficiency, which is common in certain areas. Additional factors may include radiation exposure, certain drugs, and thyroid or neck surgery. The chance is increased by stress and other health issues, as well as by pregnancy and the postpartum phase. To monitor thyroid health, regular check-ups are advised, particularly for people with risk factors.

Does Hypothyroidism Have Any Side Effects That Lead To Other Illnesses?

The reason for the wintertime increase in thyroid hormones (picture courtesy of Canva)

Yes, you may be more vulnerable to other health problems or side effects if you have hypothyroidism. It may cause consequences including weight gain, high cholesterol, and heart problems if left untreated. In addition to impairing conception, hypothyroidism raises the possibility of problems during pregnancy. It could also exacerbate illnesses including depression and cognitive problems. Appropriate therapy, often consisting of medication to replace thyroid hormone, and routine monitoring are essential for properly controlling hypothyroidism and lowering the risk of related health issues. A medical practitioner should be seen if you have symptoms or suspect thyroid problems in order to get a precise diagnosis and customized therapy.

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