What Happened After a Woman Signs a Loan for a Corpse in a Wheelchair at a Bank

In a startling Brazilian occurrence, a lady attempted to get a 68-year-old man in a wheelchair to sign a loan by bringing him to a bank. However, it was discovered that the guy had been dead for hours. The lady was taken into custody after the incident’s unsettling photos attracted attention on social media.

The lady who wheeled the guy in and asked for a loan was seen suspiciously by the Rio de Janeiro bank staff, who on Tuesday reported the incident to emergency authorities.

The individual was pronounced deceased by emergency personnel upon their arrival, according to the police.

The lady was reported to police for attempted theft by deception and defiling a corpse by the Bangu precinct on Rio’s west side.

Inquiries are still on to find out how and when the guy passed away.

According to reports in Brazilian media, the lady attempted to get a loan of 17,000 reais, or around $3,250, on behalf of the 68-year-old male, claiming to be his niece.

According to local investigative director Fabio Luiz, “she tried to make it look like he was signing the papers,” as reported by news site G1.

“However, when he entered the bank, he was already dead.”

The charges were refuted by the woman’s attorney.

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