living a purposeful life

Are there as many issues facing animals as there are in our own world?

Animals exhibit fear, as seen by their struggles and fights. They also show their devotion, love, and affection. However, it can be said categorically that no animal would experience the same issues that humans do. Why do animals have less issues than people?


What can businesspeople learn from the world of animals? Nobody can deny the intelligence of animals. Evolution has never occurred in stages, with some people evolving into “always winners” and others becoming “always victims.” There is no denying that animals are not emotional beings. They do exhibit these feelings, but they never seem to be the victims of any one of them. Why is it the case?

Saying that humans are highly advanced and animals are primitive is a very simple way to respond to the topic above. Rather, it is unrelated to evolution. It has to do with what life’s “need” and “purpose” are. People often suffer the greatest when they live with or for a need. On the other hand, hardship of this kind has no effect on a person who lives for a “purpose.” The demand is similar to ocean waves. Let’s take a second look at it. Desires are expressed via needs. Our aspirations never stop, much like ocean waves. The wind in the environment, which is nothing more than our societal conditioning, creates waves. However, if one lives with a goal, commitment is the source of the purpose, and cravings are the result of imagination. Human brains have always relied on wants and desires above absolute commitment. Man is committed, but his dedication is jumbled by his many demands, which leaves him in disarray.

The Zebra effect is another factor contributing to animals’ less emotional distress. Assume a zebra gets assaulted and manages to get away. Its ideas do not contain the agony. It is capable of ending the past and not carrying on with it. However, since man does not know how to put the past behind him, the agony of it all still haunts him.

One need manifests itself as the fulfillment of another, and so on. The requirements of human existence are like to waves in the ocean; they never really settle.

Animals in general have a reason for existing. Though it may not be easy to accept, it is the reality. Whether they are grazers or hunters, animals always have a role in life. They seldom focus too much on the future. They don’t ever leave the present. They seldom ever think back on the past. Because they are so observant and attentive, they never feel envious of other animals.

Workers in corporations need to reflect and consider whether their goals are needs- or purpose-driven. There will be stress and anxiety since the need is to bring the past into the present. Conversely, purpose is a really autonomous feeling; it has no attachment to the past and no aspirations for the future. Compromise, beggarly, anticipation, and sycophancy are byproducts of wants. On the other hand, passion, independence, bravery, and strength are born out of purpose. Corporate personnel will have to live a terrible existence if they do not promptly identify and strive for their goal. Success should be beckoned by your mission more than by your need.

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