Maharashtra Day 2024 Recipe: Savory Aamras to Beat the Heat This Summer!

The people of Maharashtra celebrate Maharashtra Day on May 1st of each year. This day honours the state’s existence after the Bombay Reorganisation Act was passed on May 1, 1960. The Sanyukt Maharashtra Andolan was the first to urge the creation of an independent state. Maharashtra Din or Maharashtra Diwas are other names for the event.

The population of Bombay spoke Kutchi, Gujarati, Marathi, and Konkani, the four primary languages spoken there prior to the Bombay Reorganisation Act. Following the act’s implementation, the former Bombay province was split into the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra based on the languages spoken by its citizens.

People who spoke Gujarati and Kutchi became a part of Gujarat, whereas people who spoke Marathi and Konkani became a part of Maharashtra.

What better way to commemorate the day, which has great significance for the people of Maharashtra, than by indulging in a delectable dish made only with mangoes? Savor the Maharashtrian aamras during blazing summer and add even more specialness to your day. This is an easy dish that you can make at home for a delicious summer treat.

With Sweet Aamras, celebrate Maharashtra Day in 2024! Simple DIY Recipe

One kilogram of ripe mangos
One cup of sugar, to taste
2.5 cups of cold milk
1/4 tablespoon of cardamom powder (optional) is used for saffron.
two to three ice cubes

Ripe mangos should be washed, dried, and trimmed.

Now, gently peel the mangoes using a sharp knife.

Press the mango firmly between your hands to release the pulp, then transfer it to a bowl.

Then, for a smoother consistency, chop the mangoes into tiny pieces and combine the mango pulp in the mixer.

Add cold milk to the aamras until it reaches the right consistency; if it seems too thick,.

After that, add sugar to taste and thoroughly crush it.

Next, grind the mixture again while adding a pinch of cardamom and saffron strands.

To cool down, add ice cubes or place your aamras in the refrigerator for a while. And presto!

The Maharashtrian Aamras is prepared for your consumption.

Savor this revitalizing handmade aamras with chapati or pooris to get the whole Maharashtrian experience!

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