Which Colors in Your Home Are Lucky for Each Direction? Discover Vastu Shastra

Colors have the power to influence our emotions, ideas, and overall well-being, according to Vastu Shastra. The appropriate color choices may channel positive energy, while the improper ones might upset the equilibrium. According to Vastu, each direction has a matching element and color that have an impact on the energies associated with it. Here are some color suggestions for your home that are in line with Vastu, based on many directions.

Which Colors in Your Home Are Lucky for Each Direction?

– East – The eastern direction, which represents new beginnings, is associated with the element of Air. To encourage growth and tranquility, paint your living room in soothing, light colors like pastel green or blue.

– North: Water rules the northern direction, which enhances opportunities for a job. To encourage a constant flow of energy, try using blue or black tones sparingly.

Northeast: This direction is ruled by the element of Space, often referred to as Ether, which is symbolic of enlightenment and spiritual growth. The ethereal feel of the living room may be enhanced with light blue, cream, or white colors.

West: Water is a symbol of creativity and emotional mobility and is connected to the western direction. Use light grey, white, or pastel blue colors to promote optimism and openness.

Northwest: Associated with Air, the northwest direction encourages cooperation and kindness. Select light gray, metallic, or even light green hues to encourage positive relationships.

– South: Fire is associated with the southern hemisphere and represents vigor and passion. Warm colors like deep yellow, orange, or red that convey a sense of movement may liven up the living space.

– Southwest: The southwestern direction, which stands for stability and relationships, is influenced by Earth. Select earthy hues such as beige, light brown, or deep yellow to create a cozy and grounded living space.

– Southeast: Fire is connected to the southeast direction and promotes wealth and well-being. Apply striking colors such as orange, crimson, or purple to create a vibrant living space.

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