Eight anti-smog weapons are deployed by NDMC to battle air pollution

By deploying eight cutting-edge anti-smog cannons, the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has increased its efforts to tackle air pollution in the Capital. The action is intended to reduce air pollution in the NDMC region.

The GPS-equipped anti-smog weapons are positioned thoughtfully along avenue roads in New Delhi, covering a 360-kilometer radius every day between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. These cannons, which have a 7,000-liter water tank and are installed on CNG-powered vehicles, are equipped with a hydraulic system that enables them to rotate 360 degrees and shoot water horizontally, a distance of 30 meters.

With 24 stainless steel nozzles to atomise water and ensure the dispersion of droplets in the range of 10 to 30 microns, each anti-smog cannon uses 1,500 liters of water every hour. The firearms also convey environmental messages to raise public awareness.

For a two-year term, the effort will cost Rs 2.87 crore to hire and will operate one heavy motor vehicle driver, one operator, and one assistant per gun. The NDMC has previously used mechanical road sweepers and water tankers for dust suppression in addition to anti-smog weapons installed on 28-tonne CNG truck chassis with a 17,000-liter water tank capacity to combat air pollution.

These anti-pollution initiatives are a part of the NDMC’s continuous efforts to maintain New Delhi’s cleanliness and environmental health, which are constantly watched by top officials and department heads.

The National Department of Climate Change (NDMC) called on tourists and locals to take personal responsibility for reducing air pollution and to protect the environment for future generations.

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