For those who are blind or visually challenged, smart glasses

Vijayawada is the associate vice-president of Mumbai-based NIIF Infrastructure Finance Limited. On Tuesday at Andhra Loyola College, Jayita Naha took part as the special guest in the handing out of smart vision glasses to ten blind students.

Jayita Naha, who spoke at the event, said that education is the most potent weapon available to humanity, particularly for those who are disabled. Ten smart vision glasses for visually challenged students and ten computers for the college were given by NIIF Infrastructure Finance to help the students become more employable by teaching them computer and artificial intelligence capabilities.

Jayita emphasized the significance of these glasses, which provide more freedom by enabling the blind to navigate their environment more skillfully with capabilities like object identification and navigation assistance. Naha counseled the pupils to aim for achievement and freedom. Ajay Singh, chief risk officer of NIIF Infrastructure Finance, commended the institution for helping pupils with vision impairments.

ALC Correspondent Fr. M. Sagayaraj and Trustee R. Sunder Kumar of the Help the Blind Foundation both gave speeches. Students with visual impairments received instruction on how to utilize smart vision glasses from Vijaya Chander and Gopi Krishna of SHG Technologies.

Participating were volunteers from ALC-HEPSN, Principal Fr. GAP Kishore, and HEPSN Coordinator Dr. G Sahaya Baskaran.

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